Memoir cover shot of Judge David S. Tatel (Ret.) with his guide dog Vixen
Vision: A Memoir of Blindness and Justice by David S. Tatel David Tatel achieved great
Fresh vegetables and fruits spread out on a gray table.
The Anti-AMD Diet: New perspectives While Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is commonly believed to be
A robotic hand holding green apple is symbolic of Apple Intelligence
Rumors of Siri’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. At the 2024 World Wide Developers Conference,
Contrast sensitivity declines with age, and is accelerated by eye diseases and disorders. It becomes
Best Mobile Apps for Visually Impaired People
Best Mobile Apps for Low Vision Smartphones are the 21st century’s greatest accessibility device for
Humanware Explore 5, video handheld magnifier, magnifiers instructions on prescription pill container
Simple tasks of everyday living become arduous for people with visual impairments. The challenges include:
Older adult man listens intently to audio magazine
More and more online publications now offer the option to listen to a recording of
Siri icon
How to Ask Siri for Answers Siri is the virtual assistant from Apple, available to
Collections of golden boxes on dark background
Finding the right gift, for someone who has a visual impairment, can be complicated. Great
Gold, silver and white stars on black background
Launched in 2017, the OE Patients online magazine was created to provide an added level
Blue Accessibility Graphic Overlaid on Image of SmartPhone
Updated Mar 29, 2024. The iPhone is quite possibly the most adopted device ever, for
A total solar eclipse will happen on April 8th. It will travel a path that



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