Gold, silver and white stars on black background
Voices of Experience

OE Patients Top Ten Most Searched Topics

Apr 4, 2024

OE Patients Top Ten Most Searched Topics

Launched in 2017, the OE Patients online magazine was created to provide an added level of information and resources, not typically available in the physicians office. It’s all about living better with vision loss, and focused on practical tips and encouraging advice related to Adjusting, Technology, Health, Wellness and Voices of Experience. This collection of ten top OE posts, is a representation of the topics most searched on the web. Please feel free to share with friends, family and healthcare professionals.

1. Hottest Low Vision Gifts

These are the best gifts to give and to get! We’ve included gifts that everyone wants and gifts that are priceless. So go ahead and give someone, or yourself, something nice.

Gift Box With A White Ribbon In Female Hands. Gift Giving. The Woman Gives A Gift. Birthday Present.

2. 8 Ways to Practice Eccentric Viewing

Learning to maximize peripheral vision can be a useful compensation for central vision loss. Try it and see.

Woman practicing eccentric viewing.
Woman practicing eccentric viewing.

3. Accessibility Support Phone Lines You Should Know

A coveted list of specialized support with an emphasis on accessibility, including Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Google and 12 more. When you need help call an expert.

Yellow road sign for “Support” with clouds on blue sky in background
Yellow road sign for “Support” with clouds on blue sky in background

4. GoGo Grandparent Gets Uber Without App

This membership service facilitates and monitors orders for Uber, DoorDash, Instacart and more, without an app or a smartphone.

Portrait of smiling elderly man using mobile phone

5. Doctor, Am I Going Blind?

The answer to this fearful question is most often “No.”

Image: White text saying “Doctor, Am I Going Blind?” against grainy black background
Image: White text saying “Doctor, Am I Going Blind?” against grainy black background

6. Smartphone Barcode Readers Help Visually Impaired

Product barcodes can be scanned to provide information including the item name, size, color, flavor, cooking instructions and nutrition facts.

Barcode sticker set vector. Universal Product Scan Code. UPC Bar Code Scan Symbol. Realistic Barcode icon isolated.
Barcode sticker set vector. Universal Product Scan Code. UPC Bar Code Scan Symbol. Realistic Barcode icon isolated.

7. Accessible Workouts for Visually Impaired People

Exercise is good for eyes, in this compilation of accessible workouts are strength training and feel-good exercises, accessible equipment, eyes-free audio guides, and wonderful tips on the topic from our friends at Hadley.

Group of mature adults in strength training session

8. Alexa, Read My Book

Amazon’s much loved voice assistant will read Kindle books to you, or play your Audible books, just ask. It’s an easy and independent way to enjoy a good read.

Amazon Fire 7 tablet unboxed.

9. Surprises Contained in the White Cane

Making peace with this mobility device is often a complicated personal process. And then you realize, it actually gives more than it takes.

Visually impaired person with white cane crossing city street
Visually impaired person with white cane crossing city street

10. Try a New Approach to Reading Restaurant Menus

There are many ways to overcome the challenges of menu reading and continue to enjoy the culinary and social experience. Think less about reading and more about selecting something delicious!

Man reading restaurant menu options to his dinner companion
For comments, questions or feedback, email us, or connect on Facebook or Twitter. We would love to hear from you!

About the Author: Dorrie Rush

Dorrie Rush is the Chief Content Officer and Visual Accessibility Expert at Ophthalmic Edge Patients (OE Patients), an online resource, presented by the Association for Macular Diseases, providing practical information and empowering advice for living a full and successful life with vision loss.

She is the former Director of the Grunwald Technology Center and Information Resource Service at Lighthouse International 2001 to 2016. Dorrie is known to have an eccentric view, which is particularly useful in compensating for her central vision loss from Stargardt Disease.



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