Updated Septemeber 26th, 2024
The relinquishment of car keys, or a driver’s license, to a visual impairment, is a life-changing moment we do our best to avoid. It is not uncommon for people with impaired vision to drive only to destinations to which they “know the way by heart,” or with passengers who can read them the signs.
Many states do provide some exemptions to the unforgiving 20/40 visual acuity requirement, which may come as a surprise to those in fear of having their license revoked. The qualification often requires a detailed examination by an ophthalmologist or optometrist, driving training, a specialized road test, and annual recertification. Some drivers can obtain a restricted license with the use of telescopic lenses that succeed in correcting vision to the 20/40 baseline. This adaptation requires a vision exam to prescribe the bioptic telescope, undergoing training, and taking a road test before receiving the specialized license.
The restriction, most frequently exercised, with and without the authorization of the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), is driving during daylight hours only. Although not yet condoned for visually impaired drivers, assisted driving features can also help, such as lane departure warnings, blind-spot alerts, pedestrian and obstacle detectors, and autonomous emergency braking. The promise of actual self-driving vehicles remains illusive. Should it ever come to fruition, many of these issues would be solved.
It would seem that many people would fail to meet the 20/40 acuity required to drive. The fact is, corrective lenses are the dominant qualifier. A person can also have severely impaired vision in one eye and passable vision in the other, which meets the requirement.
Can you drive if you are legally blind?
Legal blindness is a government standard measurement of visual acuity that qualifies a person for disability benefits and disqualifies their ability to drive. The US Social Security Administration defines legal blindness as vision that cannot be improved with corrective lenses and is no better than 20/200 or a visual field of 20 degrees or less in both eyes.
If you want to continue driving, please do it responsibly and with good judgment. Denial is a defense mechanism, but in the case of driving with low vision, it can also be as deadly as a loaded gun. Here are the questions to ask yourself and guidelines to consider.
• Are you putting yourself and others at risk?
• Do you feel safe and confident behind the wheel?
• Do you avoid driving at night or in poor visibility?
• Do you stick to familiar routes?
• Have you discussed vision aids for driving with your ophthalmologist or optometrists?
• Had any close calls or near misses lately?
• Are you aware of your state’s requirements and exemptions for drivers with vision impairment?
• Do you have an alternative and independent mode of transportation available, like Uber or GoGo Grandparent?