Our popular series on Accessibility Resources for People With Visual Impairments continues this fall at Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital in NYC. There is an abundance of great topics to cover and we’re pleased to present 3 new sessions, all hot topics on OEPatients.org. Join us for a conversation about the expanding availability of audio descriptive technology, a review of the latest electronic glasses, and an update on the best in accessibility apps.
The sessions are led by:
Dorrie Rush
Chief Content Officer
Event location:
The Great Hall, 1st floor
Manhattan Eye, Ear & Throat Hospital
210 East 64th Street (3rd & 2nd Ave.)
New York, NY 10065
Our Fall Schedule
Please RSVP below for these events as seating is limited.
September 20, 2018, 3 to 4 pm
Audio Description
Now available on-demand for Broadway shows, museum tours, at the movies, on TV and much more. We’ll talk about how this visual voice fills in the missing detail, vividly.
October 18, 2018, 3 to 5 pm
Electronic Glasses
Let’s take a closer look at wearable assistive devices, including IrisVision, OrCam, Jordy, eSight, and Aira, designed to help you see, read, work and navigate with vision loss.
November 15, 2018, 3 to 4 pm
App Happy
The apps we love continue to improve and empower us to function better every day. We’ll tell you what’s new in our favorite apps and what’s coming up. And you’ll tell us what apps are changing your life!
Ways to RSVP:
Phone: (212) 702-7760
Email: [email protected]
Online: meethaccessibility.eventbrite.com
Presented by OE Patients
Hosted by the Department of Ophthalmology
Supported by Association for Macular Diseases, Inc.