Insights & Sound Bites is a wonderful opportunity to learn from others what helped them most in the process of coping and adjusting to vision loss. The sound bites are audio recordings, each just a few minutes in length, sharing the power of personal experience. Log in any time you want and listen as often as you wish. Hear the voices of vision loss on topics that include, moving forward, coming full circle and finding perspective. In essence, it’s a word-of-mouth sharing session and access is available whenever you need it, no limits in time or attendees.

This collection of bite-sized podcasts is about giving as well as receiving. The host, Douglas Walker, ends each segment with an invitation to take part with a contribution of your own. The message says, “Was there something that someone said to you or something that happened along the way that made all the difference in the world in helping you adjust to living with vision loss? We‘d love to hear from you if you’d like to share with us, just leave us a message on our Insights & Sound Bites voicemail by calling, 847-512-4867. Or, you can use your smartphone or computer and email us a recording to: [email protected]. Again, my name is Douglas Walker. Take care and I’ll see you next time.”
The team at Hadley knows how to deliver meaningful and supportive content for people with vision loss. Hadley Presents: A Conversation with the Experts, is the original and ever-popular podcast, hosted by Ricky Enger. For tips on Adjusting, Daily Living, Working, Technology and Recreation, log on to Join a wide array of monthly Discussion Groups on topics of your interest: What’s Cooking, Travel Talk, Tech It Out, Embrace Braille, Writer’s Circle, Crafting Circle, Book Nook, Resource Roundtable and Hadley Growers. You can even speak live to an expert or have content mailed to you.
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Listen to: Insights & Sound Bites
Call in your Insight Sound Bite to: 847-512-4867
Or email a recording to: [email protected]