Ophthalmic Acronyms App Available Now
A new app for ophthalmic acronyms and abbreviation definitions, OE Acronyms, is now available for free in the Apple AppStore and on Google Play. This app provides ready access to definition of common as well as infrequently utilized abbreviations across all ophthalmology sub-specialties. Brief descriptions accompany some of the acronyms.
Developed over the last few months by Yale Fisher, MD, this app has over 1450 entries provided by 35 US and international ophthalmic contributors (in training as well as seasoned experts). Current Co-Directors, Grayson W. Armstrong, MD, MPH and Nimesh Patel, MD joined the development group shortly after inception and planning – they have been critical in building a user-friendly program. Additional contributions from participants and new users continues to increase the library of acronym offerings.
OE Acronyms is an offshoot of Ophthalmicedge.org, an educational website initially started in 2010 to teach clinical B-Scan ultrasound techniques. This 501(c)(3) organization subsequently expanded to many other ophthalmic related subjects for physicians and trainees. The OphthalmicEdge Team is grateful to Kairos Design Studio for their support in design, development and execution of OE Acronyms and Ophthalmicedge.org.