We all make excuses, it’s human nature. In the case of vision loss, it is often an attempt to defend or justify a lack of action. For a time it serves a purpose, keeping us from becoming even more uncomfortable than we already are, or so we think.
Implementing small changes, in place of excuses, will deliver significant benefits. So, why not, every now and then, get your excuses in check. No need to induce a guilt trip, instead think of it as a strengthening exercise. There are great rewards awaiting you, right outside your comfort zone. In time, you will surely feel the gain totally outweighs the pain.
Here are some examples you may, or may not, recognize.
“There’s no point in going back to the doctor, he/she said nothing can be done.”
Although there may be no medical treatment for your vision loss, regular dilated eye exams are key to preserving the vision you have and your best bet for early detection of secondary issues. Be An Informed Patient and ask the doctor to explain their statements clearly. You should also ask your physician for a referral to a low vision specialist and vision rehab services, which can help you maximize remaining vision and compensate for the loss.
“I love to read, but I don’t like audiobooks because I need to hold the book in my hands and turn the pages.”
The joy of reading is usually connected to the content, getting involved in the story. It takes a bit of effort, but many people are able to adjust to audiobook and continue consuming literature. It certainly couldn’t hurt to try holding a book while listening to the audio. Or hold a Fire tablet and say, “Alexa, Read My Book.”
“I’m not good with technology.”
More people say this than not, but you don’t have to be “good” with technology to use some of it. Using a smartphone app that reads text, or using dictation instead of typing, does not require aptitude, it just requires some practice.
“I don’t like the sound of the voice.”
This is again, a matter of adjusting. For example, if you couldn’t read your favorite news everyday, would you prefer to totally give it up or adjust over to a voice reading to you? Just like audiobooks it takes some getting used to. There are also many voice options, so if you don’t like one, switch to another.
“I’m quitting my job because I can no longer see the computer.”
Here is a good example of how small changes can keep you in the game or on the job. Microsoft Windows supports an inclusive workplace with settings that customize your screen. Make a friend in IT and begin making adjustments including: large text, custom colors, use of Magnifier or Narrator, and more.
“I don’t need a cane.”
This is fairly common and can be translated to “I don’t want a cane.” Sometimes a fall precipitates a change of perspective about the long white cane, but whatever gets you there, many who cross over have no regrets. It restores a sense of confidence.
If you have any experience you’d like to share or advice about excuse breaking…send us a note.